Transitional housing, sometimes called second stage housing, is a residency program that includes support services. Usually provided after crisis or homeless shelter, transitional housing is designed as a bridge to self-sufficiency and permanent housing. Residents usually remain from six months to two years, and are typically required to establish goals to work towards economic stability.
Transition plan from supervised participation to independent living or another appropriate living arrangement
Money management, budgeting, consumer education, use of credit
Parenting skills (Maternity Group Homes program only)
Basic life skills resources, counseling services, and aftercare services
Interpersonal skill-building
Educational opportunities, such as GED preparation, post-secondary training, and vocational education
Job attainment skills
Mental and physical health care
Individual, family, and group counseling, as appropriate
Coordinate with McKinney-Vento school district liaisons to ensure that runaway and homeless youth are provided information about the educational services
Develop an adequate emergency preparedness and management plan