Shared housing is a long-term living arrangement between two unrelated people who choose to live together to take advantage of the mutual benefits it offers. While not limited to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) programs, shared housing easily fits into Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) and, when allowed by the public housing authority’s (PHA’s) Administrative Plan, Housing and Urban Development – VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) programs, supporting Veterans who choose to live with other people as a means of affording stable housing.
Some of the benefits of shared housing are:
Increased access to a larger, more diverse, housing market
Reduced housing cost burden
Reduced living expenses
Increased social networks and decreased social isolation
Sustain independent housing for longer
Help with community integration
Wellington Place brings hope to Veterans and their families with our emergency, transitional, and long-term supportive housing. The organization operates safe, drug- and alcohol-free facilities for male and female veterans of all ages and eras. Our housing and supportive services programs give veterans a stable base from which to find or hold a job, continue their physical or mental recovery, and, ultimately, return to independent living.

Many communities simply don’t have enough housing to give every Veteran his or her own independent unit. Shared housing offers a lot of benefits to Veterans who are open to sharing housing.
Increased Problem-Solving Skills
Reduced Living Expenses
Increased Social Networks and Decreased Isolation
Reduced Housing Cost Burden
Increased Budget Control and Personal Savings
Help with Community Integration
Increased Access to Diverse Housing Market with Desirable and Affordable Housing Options